
Royalty Undercover

Romans 8:18-22

“For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.”- Rom 8:19

“For you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation…”- 1 Peter 2:9

Something we all often fail to realize, living our mundane lives, chasing our ordinary dreams and fulfilling our common desires is that we are royalty.

You and I are children of God (Romans 8:16) and co-heirs with Christ (Rom 8:17) and this is not merely a metaphorical expression of love. God really is your Father. You are his daughter or son and you bear a crown with Christ Jesus himself who is the author of all salvation. You are a prince or a princess in the Kingdom of God!

Like the Old Testament awaited the fulfilment of the prophecy of the arrival of the Messiah, like we anticipate eagerly the second coming of our Saviour, the Bible says Creation itself waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed! (Rom 8:19)

You are not insignificant! You are very much a part of God’s masterplan and creation awaits your coronation. All of creation yearns to be set free from bondage and experience the freedom you experience as a child of God. “For whom the Son sets free, is free indeed.”(John 8:36) Do we ever even think about this wonderful privilege of freedom in Christ that we have been granted?

Paul elaborates on the truth about salvation in his letter to the Romans (Rom 3: 21-26, 5: 1-11, 6: 1-11,22,23). Salvation is an ongoing process. We were saved when we first met and accepted Christ as our saviour. We are being saved daily because of His sanctifying grace. And yet, the full benefit of our salvation is yet to come. For a while we must live in this world, but our lives are not to end here. We await a coronation greater than anything the world has ever seen. How blessed we are to have such a hope to look forward to! But don’t forget to live a life worthy of an heir of your Father above. This is why a Christian must face the world with renewed hope every day. Don’t worry, you will be provided for, because it is not just your hope that is renewed.

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,

His mercies never come to an end.


Great is thy faithfulness O lord,

Great is thy faithfulness.”

Yes, His mercies too will be renewed everyday and they will be enough to carry you through till the day you stand at His side in glory.

“Faith does not eliminate questions. But faith knows where to take them!”

Elisabeth Elliot

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